“Menta Biotics is my favorite product. It keeps me regular with the bathroom routine/bowel movements. I notice when I’m unable to take it for whatever reasons. Other products are difficult for me to gauge if they are doing anything but not this. Highly recommend.”
“I love Happy Juice and the Mentabiotics aspect always runs out way ahead of the rest of my supplies of Edge and Energy. Can you please make the supply for all last a full 30 days??”
“I started using this with the Happy Juice package and it definitely helped. I’m someone who needs probiotics and these definitely made a difference in my gut with the added benefit of the other Happy Juice products.”
“I have been taking these supplements for roughly 3 months now and I am in complete amazement how they have helped my anxious thoughts, my extreme sadness, my mood swings, my gut health, my energy levels and my ability to focus better. I love these products and will NEVER use anything but Amare!!!!! XOXO~ Misty ♥️”