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MentaFocus® Reviews

4.9 Rating 88 Reviews
I was to the point of thinking I would have to stop teaching as I couldn't pull the right words out of my brain, and keep my mental clarity that I needed to teach. You can't imagine how happy I was to see the results of MentaFocus! I am still teaching and very seldom do I get that brain fog (that I thought was early Alzheimer's)
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Posted 5 years ago
Love this product! It has improved my mental focus that allows me to concentrate better at work. It has also given me the opportunity to be more creative.
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Posted 5 years ago
Amare's MentaFocus, part of the Fundamentals is what keeps my brain sharp. I feel like all cylinders are on the right synapse and ;my clarity and focus is spot on; I am tapped in when I am on MentaFocus, which is necessary for all my responsibilities. Thank you Amare Global. SO MUCH!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I absolutely love menta focus. I find during the day I stay much more focused and alert. In the past I always felt like I was living in a fog. My fatigue and mental fog were horrible. I am no longer feeling this way!
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Posted 5 years ago
This has improved my focus
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Posted 5 years ago
My husband has difficulties focusing. He has found that MentaFocus has improved his ability to focus and has been doubling up on the pills. This has given him a natural solution to boost his attention.
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Posted 5 years ago
After taking this as part of my Fundamentals pack, within 3 weeks, I felt like my brain was working properly again. I could concentrate on problems again and not feel overwhelmed by them because I understood them without having to try so hard. So when I say I felt like my brain wasn't working, this had been what I was dealing with! I appreciate that Focus brought back my ability to think, focus, concentrate, problem solve, and understand again.
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Posted 5 years ago
Since I’ve been on the menta focus my brain fog Is gone and short term memory is waaay better. Perform way better at work. Love it!
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Posted 5 years ago