“I love the taste of this stuff! I struggle with drinking enough water but flavor it with this and I can drink a whole bottle easily. Bonus is it gives me an afternoon energy boost!”
“We all love this! It takes great (looks and almost takes like a good green tea) and I love that it is not full of all the junk in other energy drinks. I particularly like the natural caffeine and ingredients and appreciate having an energy drink I'm comfortable with my teens consuming.”
“I love this product just with water and ice! It gets me through that afternoon sluggishness everyone gets but doesn’t keep me up all night or make me jittery like coffee does. Tastes great too!”
“The taste is great, and the energy is subtle. I don't necessarily notice the extra energy, but when I have not taken it for a few days, that's when I notice!”
“One of my favorite products!! I usually take it mid-afternoon when I be fine to hit a wall after teaching all day. I love how I feel after using this, and it tastes great, too!”