“Years ago I would have these "shut downs" when I got overstimulated and it would break me for days. Enter Amare Fundamentals and Mood+. I had been taking them for just a week or two when a shut down started coming on. I thought, let's put this stuff to the test and I took 2 mood+. Within 30 minutes, I kid you not, I could feel my insides breathe a sigh of relief and the shut down went away. Since then, this product has become a staple. My husband takes it before bed, as the ashwaghanda makes him sleepy. He says it helps his sleep faster and better. He will also often take it when a headache is coming on and said it has been a huge help with that too.”
“I absolutely love mood+ supplement. It has changed my day today and I’m so very grateful. I’m not as stressed or anxious and I don’t have the negative self talk. My son even noticed I was laughing more. It truly is amazing”