“This product is amazing. I was recently having a very difficult time with my husband; lots of fighting, disagreeing, and nastiness. It all left me feeling down and out. I increased my mood intake to two times per day and it was a game changer. It was the boost I needed to release the anger, frustration, and sadness and really move into a place of peace despite the storm I was weathering. I’m not sure how it works, but it does!!!”
“I have taken Mood+ ever since I first started using the Amare FundaMentals, and feel that it really helps me to deal with SAD during the shorter days & during cloudy, rainy days. For me, it's a great holistic approach!”
“I have struggled with stress for a while now and this product has helped me take a holistic approach, I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I also have a child that has been using Mood+ and this is a LIFESAVER for him. Thank you AMARE!””
“I know they don't say that this is a womanly product but I use this pretty much every month around ovulation time and sometimes at the beginning of menstruation and it really helps me to not get depressed or overwhelmingly emotional.”
“This product has made such a difference in my daily stress level! I never know how much it would affect my daily mood but it truly makes a difference. I do not go a day without it!”