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Relief+ Reviews

4.6 Rating 57 Reviews
I love exercising and do cardio at least 3 times a week. When I was first introduced to Amare I had changed my routine and was doing push-ups and weightlifting. I strained a shoulder and was in so much pain that I couldn’t exercise for about 3 weeks. I refused to take aspirin or any pain killer so my husband suggested to take Relief from Amare and I felt the relief within 30 minutes of taking a normal dose. I keep it handy and never run out of it!
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Posted 5 years ago
In August 2019 my husband booked us a white water rafting adventure. This is something we wanted to do for years. We decided it would be great just before school started. The morning of our adventure I woke up and I couldn’t move because my back was stiff and in so much pain. I started by taking three and 20 minutes later I felt less pain but I was still very stiff. I researched the safety profiles of the ingredients and saw that I can take a few more to help with the aches and discomfort throughout the day. About an hour later right before we got on the road I took another three capsules. I was hoping that by the time we got to our destination which was about an hour away I was going to be able to twist my back some and have some more of the pain subside. When we got to our destination the pain was about 50% gone but I was still stiff so I took three more capsules praying I would be able to twist my back before we got on the raft. I was working hard to stretch as much as I could. Well to my surprise 30 seconds before they called our name my back allowed me to twist! An hour and 45 minutes into a two-hour ride my arms and back were getting a bit sore and achy. That’s to be expected of course. We enjoyed our ride so much that we decided to go on another adventure but up the difficulty level. When we got on the raft again I was going to swap sides with my hubby because of my arm feeling sore but I decided not to until I had to. An hour in I noticed that I was less sore even though this was a harder course and I didn’t need to swap sides with my husband. This was kind of strange for me. In reality, I should’ve been sorer and hurt a bit more. When we got off the raft I would say 75% of my pain was gone and I was still able to twist. This was so surprising and amazing to me! How could that be?!? The next morning I woke up and was sore for about an hour. To my surprise the rest of that day and the week I had absolutely no pain and absolutely no soreness or stiffness in my back or in my arms. I couldn’t believe it! Relief+ is my miracle worker! : )
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Posted 5 years ago
I loved taking these I wish they were more off them I am not in a lot of pain at night and during the day with my back
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Posted 5 years ago
This is not just great for general aches and pains but amazing for headaches. If I could take it daily I would. So many great products!
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Posted 5 years ago
After searching for a natural solution, I started Amare Reboot, FundaMentals and Relief, and can now say I do not need anything else. 3 Relief a day and my gut health is getting better! Thank you Amare!
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Posted 5 years ago
I didn't have a lot of pain to begin with, but this has proven to be one of those things that you didn't realize you needed help with, until it was gone! I take it every day, because there are constant stressors in life, that add inflammation to your body. I've seen Relief+ totally take daily migraines away from a friend of mine, as well. 100% recommend!
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Posted 5 years ago
If you've ever needed relief from that nagging joint or muscle pain associated with many health challenges, you'll want to turn to Relief! We have found immediate reduction in pain in several instances, and love that it is all natural!
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Posted 5 years ago
Living with chronic pain can be exhausting both mentally and physically. As a competitive body builder, I have sustained many injuries and most recently I wound up at the ER with cervical stenosis and impingement of on of my cervical nerves. I felt defeated and frustrated and did not think I would get back to the gym. After staying with Amare and taking Relief I have been pain free. I am training just as hard as before and see a competition in my future.
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Posted 5 years ago