“Sleep+ has been a sleep changer for me. My nights were long with lots of tossing and turning. Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. With Sleep+ I now get 7-8 hours of sleep a night!!”
“I still have a ways to go but it has helped. I still wake up during the night but am not awake for more than a couple of minutes instead of a couple of hours.”
“My husband was dependent on melatonin,ready to up his dosage again because he wasn't falling asleep or staying asleep. His mind would race and he'd toss and turn for hours. I asked him to give Sleep+ a shot for 90 days to see how he felt and he agreed. It took a couple of months of consistency to really see a difference and I'm happy to report that his melatonin dependency is a thing of the past and he's now falling asleep faster than i do and sleeping far deeper than he ever has.”