“I really love this product! It has helped me with my bloating, gas, and constipation that I have had most of my life. I did not know that my body was not breaking down my food correctly, and I have been to several doctors who would just give me a laxative or a suppository. These products have been life-changing for me! Before Amare, I thought that pooping once or twice a week was normal. I love that I can poop daily now and sometimes twice or more. ~ Dawn M.”
“I'm not a picky eater, I WAS suffering every time I ate. Not ANYMORE! Now I carry DIGESTIVE every where I go. By giving GI support with this AMAZING product, I am able to be a little more adventurous with the menu. I am feeling less depressed, & I no longer have to hide my issues, because they rarely exist!”
“Holy Cow! Digestive is a must have in my purse and everywhere I go. Anytime I or someone I know over eats or has heartburn, we pop two of these and immediately start to feel better.”
“How do I know it works? Because when or if I have ever ran out of Digestive I get that bloated feeling back. After a couple days back on Digestive I feel so much better. It also allows me to sometimes indulge in a desert but knowing it will be digested properly. Highly recommend this product.”
“After taking the Digestive for 2 days I noticed I didn’t have heartburn as often. I used to struggle with heartburn every day, multiple times throughout the day. I haven’t had heart burn in months!! Just taking 2 a day.”
“With a past history of IBS, I love being able to take digestive to help with the breakdown of my food. As a healthcare provider,I know there are many things that can interfere with the digestive process. Digestive has been so beneficial at keeping my belly calm and happy.”
“The Digestive product has not only improved symptoms of leaky gut/IBS and occasional reflux, but has been a life changer when eating out! Sometimes you can't control the type of ingredients someone cooks with or certainly when at a restaurant or on vacation, but having Digestive has made every meal enjoyable. We even have friends and family who often ask us if we have any on hand when we are out together.”