“Love having this Ommega on hand! There is ZERO fish after taste. If I do have any after taste, it's floral and actually kind of refreshing, which is weird but the good kind of weird!”
“This is THE best fish oil I have ever used! I love the addition of lavender so no more awful fish burps, plus I think it helps me have more relaxed sleep at night. My health has improved, and I haven’t changed any other behavior, so it must be Amare!””
“about 1 week after I started OmMega I noticed many of the fine lines around my eyes were disappearing! Overall the condition of my skin has really improved. Since the new formula came out I have experienced NO fishy burps (prior to the change in formula I did have some fishy burps).”
“I remember trying to connect the dots. I couldn't speak the words I was thinking. Just days after I started taking OmMega the words were hitting my tongue. I was alert and speaking with confidence once again!”
“Omega 3s are so important for my health, and OmMega delivers just what my body needs. It's one of the purest forms out there, and I know adding it to my morning regimen is benefiting my overall wellness.”