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Kids FundaMentals™ Reviews

4.6 Rating 55 Reviews
My 7 yr old son has “bumps” as he calls them on his elbows and knees. After just one month of taking the Kids Fundamentals, his “bumps” were hardly noticeable anymore. He was pretty excited, as was I.
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Posted 4 years ago
After my son has been taking the Kids FundaMentals for a few months, I had a meeting with his CST to review his educational plan. His teachers were commenting on his improved focus, organization, and motivation. What more could a parent want? Well, I’ll tell you...he’s also less stressed, much happier, and more affectionate. This product is a life-changer.
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Posted 4 years ago
I am a tea fanatic and have always drank English Breakfast tea with milk for years. Since giving up cows milk I was missing that tea in the mornings. I heard that you can mix this product into warm water and tried it one morning, I mixed it into my black tea. This is now my favorite drink morning and evening. It tastes wonderful and I feel so good using this amazing product. Thank you amare for creating the kids fundamentals you don't have to be a kid to enjoy this one!!
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Posted 4 years ago
My kids have been using this for several months and we are more than happy with the results. Taste is great! Highly recommend!
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Posted 4 years ago
One daughter started out on Kids Fundamentals for stress. Then the other one wanted it too. Both seem to have less stress after a month or so on these probiotics or as they affectionately call it the “bugs”.
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Posted 4 years ago
Where do I even start... My ten-year-old daughter suffered from terrible food intolerance and intense mood swings. I heard great things about this product from a friend. Thought I would buy the product for my daughter and pray it would help. After a month on the product (which she LOVES to take) we started to notice it had been awhile since her intolerance flared up. After two months we noticed major changes in her mood. She was sleeping better and not breaking down and crying as often. I am happy to say that after one year on the product I have an incredibly healthy and happy child! She rarely has mood swings, her food intolerance has tremendously improved, she’s rarely sick, AND she can tolerate the heat when it’s so hot outside! This product has improved my little girl. The whole family takes this product now – I, including my oldest daughter. I’m happy to report my oldest daughter’s recent bloodwork tests resulted in a phone call from her doctor encouraging us to continue on this path. This is after being on the product for six months. Like her younger sister, she’s rarely sick either. This product is incredible!
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Posted 4 years ago
1.5 years ago, we were sitting in an autoimmune allergy specialist office at the University of Michigan with our then 5-year-old little boy trying to find an answer to some health issues he was having. We walked out of the office without answers. We had changed the things he ate and implemented a variety of natural things to try and help him. Things seemed to help a bit but not enough for him to not feel miserable. When he started taking the Kids FundaMentals it was my husband who initially noticed the difference in Noah. The hives that had covered his body from head to toe, randomly for no known reason, started becoming less. Since then have decided that it's 100% the Kids Fundamentals that help Noah's immune system keep on the right track. Every time we have run out of the Kids Fundamentals his hives increase within a few days! Our specialist said whatever we are doing to help him keep doing it. This product has allowed our kiddo to be happy and healthy. He loves the taste and per his own words "They keep me from feeling icky and I'm superman with them. If you want to boost your kiddo’s immune system this is something you should def check into!
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Posted 5 years ago
In my opinion, this is my favorite product that I will never go without. My kids gut health had changed tremendously since using this product
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Posted 5 years ago