“Love the vitamins and ingredients included in those multi, but would love them more in gummy form. I have 2 kiddos who are very texture sensative and chewables are a struggle.”
“My daughter likes these and they taste good too. Always a plus for kids! Because she has braces she has to suck on them a little so they aren’t as hard and break her brackets. But so far so good!”
“I was so excited to give this to my son, however the did not like the flavor I have to force him to take it. I hope someone can come up with a different ideal for this. Maybe gummies or pixie stick form♀️”
“Glad to have a great natural vitamin for my son. However. My son is working through oral aversions and would be Much easier if you could create this vitamin in a gummy form. The vitamin you have now I have to crush it and mix in with his juice. He still drinks it but doesn’t always care for it in his juice. I hope you can figure out a healthy and functional way to create a kids vitamin in another form.”