“We started taking the Heart+ when it first came out, not for one particular reason, but because Dr. Shawn said it was good. I recently had my blood pressure checked and the Dr. said "you have a strong heart beat". I attribute that to the Heart+ product. I also am training for a half marathon, and know that my heart is better and working efficiently. I just love all of the Amare products.”
“About 10 years ago, my mama started having issue with breathing properly and she tends to huff and puff pretty easily. When I heard Dr. Shawn talk about the benefits of the heart-mind connection & mental wellness, he also mentioned the benefits of healthier breathing. I immediately texted: “MAMA! You'll have to try this!" Within three days of starting it, she came to a parade with me—where we were walking all over the place, including some hills. That's when she noticed she wasn’t breathing as heavily as usual. She told me that it's like she's learning how to breathe all over again.”
“Although it is a HEART product, I find this helps get the blood flowing where it needs to .... especially to my LUNGS! As an asthma sufferer, getting more oxygen means I can train longer and with more intensity. I make sure to take 2 before hitting cycling classes to get more out of my workouts.”
“I chose the Fundamentals Plus Pack so that i could get this product as well. It was important to me to maximize my experience by making sure all the connections were firing properly!”