“I got my first container of Edge in May, after much anticipation. I am 11 months postpartum and still haven’t jumped back in to the workout/get my body back arena yet...:mostly because I’m tired and still getting up at night with my baby. Anyway, within a week or two I noticed an easier time buttoning and zipping up pants. Major win! I do, however, wish it didn’t have the bitter aftertaste. But, otherwise.....it’s a win!”
“I’ve been taking edge for a couple of weeks. Nothing really to write about. I’m still waiting to see a profound change even if it’s subtle. Maybe, I’m not sure yet. I was expecting real energy as soon as I took it. Not the case.”
“Amare Edge is a life safer for me. I have better mood control , less stressed, and a desire to get things done. I was having a hard time with side effects of necessary medication and Amare Edge makes me feel more like myself again. I am greatful to have been introduced to it.”