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Amare Happy Juice™ Pack Reviews

4.6 Rating 57 Reviews
Since I’ve been on Happy Juice I am calmer, feel less tense and stressed and overall just in a better mood!
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Posted 6 months ago
Love this product !!! I can’t to a day without it ! It literally feels like a blanket of stress just fell off of my body . I’m able to handle outside stressors with for resiliency and ease. I rarely cry - it was my go to response as soon as I felt the tad bit overwhelmed and I’m just really enjoying life . More vigor , vitality and zest ! Thank you for this product
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Posted 6 months ago
I love the taste of the Mango Happy Juice and I look forward to that little treat every day.
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Posted 6 months ago
I struggled for years with gut issues and racing thoughts (that I didn't realize was actually high functioning anxiety). I saw so many doctors that did their best to help me, but left me with strict elimination diets and feeling stuck. I was skeptical to try happy juice because nothing else I had tried made a noticeable difference, but the moneyback guarantee gave me the confidence. Within 2 months, I wasn't having gut flare ups anymore, I felt more calm + present in my life because I wasn't so overwhelmed all the time. Now it's been a huge help both physically + mentally on our infertiity and recurrent loss journey. Highly recommend giving it a try - but make sure to give it 90 days.
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Posted 6 months ago
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Posted 6 months ago
When happy juice mango launched we were walking a hard road of early onset forgetfulness. My husband struggled with the stress of his job and a brain that wasn't remembering things. He began taking this daily and over the course of the next 3 months saw improvement in motivation and in his ability to recall. I see better focus in him as well when he is taking this faithfully.
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Posted 6 months ago
I really wanted this product to work for me. I used the happy juice pack with the 3 different products. It made my sciatica flare up terribly, to the point where I could barely walk and barely sleep at night. I hadn't had any sciatica symptoms in 4 years! As for the mood and energy, I noticed absolutely no difference. Didn't lose any weight either. I feel like Amare is way over rated by those trying to make a profit off of selling it.
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Posted 6 months ago
I started Happy Juice 2 days ago after a year of back and forth wondering if it would work for me as I had seen it work for others. I am on day 3 and am so excited about what is happening! I have suffered years of chronic constipation, bloating, weight gain and generalized tiredness and lack of motivation. I have had a “normal” bowel movement for the last 3 days, less bloating and actually lost 4.5 pounds! I am so excited to see where this journey takes me on a road to good gut health, motivation, mental wellness and focus. Thank you Amare for a great product with scientific data to back up the claims and results of your products!
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Posted 6 months ago