“Too sour. As for all the products them selfs. I really cant say anything good. My mental state is the same as before. I am constipated. That is what I neede the most help with. Thinking this is a gut fixer. Not for this girl . Seriouly contaplating on canceling. Doest seem to do a thing for me except make me shake me head fron the sourness.”
“I found this new edge + watermellon to have a very sour taste. I have to use 2 packets of Stevia sweetener to make it palatable. I absolutely love the original Watermelon in the little jar with the scoop. Something changed the flavor drastically when you added the edge +...i will be taking it off my future orders, because I don't want to have something I have to "doctor up" to drink it...”
“This product worked well in the beginning. After taking the product for 7 months now, I feel like I am going backwards. I am getting brain fog again and not feeling the energy that it use to give me in the beginning.”
“I started taking Happy Juice to feel happier and have more energy. A surprising side effect was that my digestion improved. I was able to eat normal sized meals and not feel uncomforteble and bloated!”