“My son is 6'1.5" and 135 lb. He has an extra long inseam and he hasn't had a pair of athletic pants cover his socks or ankles since he was about 10 years old!! They're so nice and fit him very well! For reference in jeans he wears 28x36.”
“Good morning…
I haven’t given them to my Grandson yet however they look perfect!
I purchased the jogging pants .. 2 of them with cuffs. Very very nice material.
This 6 foot 5 and a half kid has never had pants that fit.. he also has 27 inch waist.
He was ecstatic when he heard I was getting them for him.
The size 17 socks were a hit also. He’s 14. Can’t imagine being excited about socks but!.. when they’re uncomfortable because there too small or short oh his legs.. he tells me it’s not nice.
So.. happy kid!.. happy parents and.. happy Grandmother!!
Thank you for your perfect clothes to fit my Grandson. Another Grandson age 10 will be requiring the same.
We're very sorry to hear that you're unhappy with the joggers. These joggers are designed to be lightweight and breathable for training functionality. We recommend trying one of the other styles we offer. Let us know if you have any questions!
We're glad that you're happy with the fit and length. Sorry that the material is thinner than expected. These pants are lightweight so that you can keep cool during your workout. Let us know if you would like suggestions for other styles you may prefer.