“Multicharts is a good plataform to trading, it´s very easy, nice indicators, fast and their charts looks very good. It´ll much better with some drawing tools like Risk/Reward and show drawings in all charts of the same instrument.
Sorry for my english”
“MC.net has the best looking Market Profile charts in my opinion. You can customize the colors of each letter or session, and the charts rendering is sharp and clear no matter how you zoom in or out. No other software can do that. The footprint chart of MC can also be configured in a beautiful and intuitive way that shows volume, delta and imbalance at one glance.
The bad side is that connection to broker can't be configured in detail. For example, Rithmic has many servers around the world and can be chosen according to your location. But in MC there is no such option to choose the optimal server. This cause noticable lag at times.
The other thing that can be improved is the DOM. The DOM in MC is too big and clumsy and can't be resized! This takes a lot of screen space. Traders should be able to customize the columns, the size and the price levels to display.”
“I really like the Platform. It's easy to use and the charts are clear, clean and bright. Managing trades on the chart is easy and quick. Overall I like it a lot. I did recently try a trial of Ninja Trader, I imagine it could be good, but found the learning curve was not worth changing over. Two things I don't like, with one you not really being able to do much about, but the other you could is this. I wish the updating to current release for easy. Seems like it is a big involved to update and so am stuck on the last build. Wish it was able to be easy to get the latest updated version but its not. The other is wish there was a server side platform for orders so that if internet outage, risk stays on server with stops still in place. That is something that is probably not possible. I had looked into Sierra Charts as alternative, but have not done any changes, probably because I Multi Charts so much. Wish List on these two things. Hope this helps. Vince”
“The features that I like about Multicharts is the ability to undock charts and windows to drag out of the main interface to a different monitor. It would be nice to have a toolbar that could go with the detached window, but it is not a big deal.
I like the customizable drawing tools and the fact they stay put and do not wander when scaling the chart.
The trade from chart interface works great and helps with my style of trading, I can modifiy stop loss and profit targets quickly if needed and view my positions clearly.”