“I've had my set since 2020 and just bought my good friend a set, too because THEY WORK! Since I work from home, I wear a band while walking or sitting and I follow the easy-to-follow instructions in the handy guidebook accompanying these bands. You can work your way through the Easy, Medium, and Hard bands at your own pace. This is one of my favorite impulse buys.”
“I love thé fact that they look like they are really well made. I find them all really much too strong. Even the lightest one (which is all that I have used) is very limiting on how much I move! I’m in really good shape and work out standing on my reformer a lot but these bands are far too restricting.”
Hi Nancy,
We are sorry that the bands seem a bit too strong. Some of our members have found them SUPER tough, in the beginning. However, when they stick to using them for 2 - 3 weeks, they see quick results and are even able to do the exercises that they could not do in the beginning.
We would like to recommend that some great exercises to start with are those that use your entire glute, as opposed to a small part; such as the standing kickbacks and sidekicks alongside glute bridges & hip thrusts (including abductions, marches and holds).
Don't worry! You'll be killing it in no time!
“I love the Arena Bands! The exercises are fun but also hard and effective, exactly what I'm looking for. The workouts are perfect now that I'm that bit older and they are great for my sore 'netball' knees. The bands are of excellent quality.”
“These are the most comfortable resistance bands - you can wear workout shorts and the band doesn't roll into a thin 'elastic band' that cuts into your bare leg like a regular rubber variety does. I love getting my resistance workout via bands, and these bands make it so much more comfortable”