“The thing I love most about this program is that you don't have to think about your workouts. You simply open the guide and follow the exercises and reps. They have done all the hard work for you (Except the workout!!! lol)”
“As well as the great workouts, you also get added to a private Facebook group where they share great tips and tricks as well as keep you accountable. This has really helped me stay on track, and I feel great for it :)”
“The best thing about this program for me in the access to the extra follow along workouts. They have a core one, a stretching one, and a few booty ones. I love these videos because I don't have to think!”
“The first month of the program was about activating glutes and I am really happy to say that by doing this my lower back pain has almost disappeared!!! I am so so happy as now I feel confident to move on to month two and do the glute and leg exercises. Thanks so much Arena Strength!!”
“The facebook group has posts in for every workout. They are neatly arranged into units so they are super easy to find.
You check these off each day to show that you have done the workout. It such a simple, yet effective way of keeping everyone accountable.
It also stops you feeling alone which is really nice and hundreds of other women are feeling the same burn as you!”
“This is the 12th and final home workout program I will ever use because this one WORKS. It's a really simple set up which makes it effortless... except all the effort you have to put into *actually* doing the workouts.”
“I'm only on day 22 and I already feel stronger. I even used the black band for the first time today for some hip thrusts! I could have NEVER done that 22 days ago :)”