“The barrel bore was inspected with a borescope and was very smooth and significantly more consistent than several other brands I've looked at. The chamber was cut very smoothly and was reamed decently w/in the axial alignment of the bore, again, significantly better than their competitors barrel of similar specs. The external machining is very nicely done as well. The 1st 5 rounds were fired as foulers for break-in, then the bore was treated to some KG-12 to get the copper out, then fired for group. It shot a 0.75", 4 round group at 100yards with the next 4 rounds (hunting handload), the last round opened it up to 1.5" (very high wind that day). A real testament to the quality, one of the 4 rounds that grouped was the cold, 1st round from a freshly SCRUBBED-bore. After that day, it then cleaned up very easily.
And yet, it is LIGHT! Faxon has truly developed a technique that allows one to have light AND accurate barrel.
I would emphatically recommend this barrel!”