“Excellent product that simplifies the 3rd link bracket for my long arm swap. Can never go wrong with artec. Good steong reliable products with excellent customer service.”
“Excellent product I like Artec Industries products because as a hobbyist welder they allow me to save big money on labor and by doing it myself am able to customize things to my needs.”
“I just completed an axle swap on my 2003 JEEP Grand Cherokee using a set of JK axles. I built up the Dana 30 front axle using an Artec JK Front Axle Truss. The axle truss is very well designed and the parts all fit together very well and match the contours of the axle and differential housing well. I welded the truss using a Hobart 190 MIG welder using S6 wire. I preheated the differential housing with an oxy acetylene torch to 400 degrees before I welded the housing. The thickness of the materials the truss is made from provide increased rigidity to the axle assembly without adding unnecessary weight. The truss could have been made out of thicker materials - but that increases unsprung weight and the axle assembly would end up breaking or bending at another point in the assembly possibly an axle C (where the knuckle mounts).”