This high dose krill oil may assist with the maintenance of normal eye and brain function and important for healthy cell membranes.
With no fishy aftertaste, this easy to swallow capsule is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that are more easily absorbed by your body than fish oil due to their unique structure. Krill oil carries omega-3s mainly in the form of phospholipids which research has shown can be even better absorbed into the body than the EPA and DHA in fish oil, which carries omega-3s in the form of triglycerides.
Key Features
✓ Supports eye health✓ Reduces mild joint pain and soreness✓ Antioxidant which helps reduce free radical damage in the body✓ Helps maintain healthy blood lipids in healthy individuals✓ Supports cardiovascular, brain and nervous system health
What are krill?
Antarctic krill are zooplankton invertebrates known scientifically as Euphausia superba that float in huge swarms in the Southern Ocean. They feed on microscopic algae that contains the omega-3 fatty acids that are then absorbed into their bodies. This algae also contains astaxanthin that gives krill their distinct red colour. One of the most abundant species on earth, krill has a biomass of around 500 million tonne.
What makes krill oil so special?
Not all oils are the same. Fish oils are classified as triglycerides. The omega 3s in krill oil are bound to different structures, known as phospholipids. Phospholipids are one of the major building blocks of our body, forming the cell membrane or 'skin' that surrounds every single cell. They are also easily absorbed by the body, because they disperse naturally in the stomach's fluid. That means when you take krill oil, the omega-3s in it are more rapidly delivered to your cell membranes, which is right where you want them to be.
And don't be deceived by their deep red colour: this too is 100% natural, caused by the astaxanthin. In fact, it is astaxanthin that gives salmon and flamingo feathers their deep pink colour!
Antarctic waters are the world's cleanest, which means marine life found there is the cleanest too. And that is especially the case with krill. Because krill feed on algae, they are at the very bottom of the food chain.
That means they don't accumulate contaminants such as the heavy metals that can be found in marine life that's higher up in the food chain.
Pure Krill oil in each capsule
Fast, efficient uptake so you experience benefits sooner
Harvested sustainably in the earth's cleanest waters
You can read more about krill oil on our lifestyle blog
Each soft capsule contains:
Euphausia superba oil..............................................................1000 mgEquivalent: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)......................................50 mgEquivalent: eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) ......................................100 mg
Contains: Fish, crustacea, wheat, sulfites, phenylalanine. This product is dairy free and lactose free.