“Great Uppababy pram insert. Our little one needed to transition to the toddler seat at 9 weeks as he started to hate the bassinet and wanted to look around. He loves his seat with the insert in it, fits snug and securely with no head wobbles. Falls asleep as soon as we go walking. Would recommend this insert if your baby is ready for the bigger seat but is still developing their neck strength.”
“Awesome for my baby who’s just grown out of her bassinet and into the upright seat. She can’t sit up yet so this holds her in place and nice and secure just perfectly.
Fast delivery too!”
“Love it, works perfectly, exactly what we were looking for, good head and neck support for bubby. The reason for 4 stars rather than 5 is that we would love to see this product in a range of colours on the website (there was only white as an option when we bought this) as we are picturing some stains to the white might be an issue.”
“Bub seems very comfy in the snug seat. He falls asleep in it easily and stays cosy and warm enough to remain asleep for a decent length of time. It’s very convenient not having to use a bassinet.”