“ I would recommend it to ever gymaholic as they are really good.”
“ I have been using it for deadlifts as well as for pulldowns and they are quite amazing. I will recommend buying it.”
“ I have many weighty lifting straps, but this one is my favorite. I purchased this for my brother but ended up keeping with me because I just loved it!”
“ A great product for adding little comfort and grip to the lifting. The cushions provide good support plus the pads are easy on hands”
“ An amazing product for doing a heavy workout at the gym! I had no choice but to give five stars.”
“ perfect for holding heavy weight rods, I have tried it with the curled one, plain one and with the bigger one, just loved it!”
“ With this, I'm doing heavy weights with ease. They are easy on hands and doesn’t affect the skin as well. Good gripping and perfect hold.”
“ If you lift heavy weight, It's the perfect product to do with. The long straps provide good support and are quite comfortable.”