Dear Ruti,
We‘re glad that you decided to try Bedroommood, you have chosen amazing combo colours and we hope that you are enjoying your new bedding.
We‘re very sorry about the expired discount code, we have a Ukrainian colleague who is packing the orders and by human mistake, we missed the expired code date. We have created a new discount code for you and will send it to your e-mail.
Wishing you the best sleep,
Bedroommood team
“Visi vaikai gavo po Percel Single Combo. Visi patenkinti. Ir labai nuoširdžiai atsiliepia: “mama, aš kažkaip dabar labai gerai miegu. Ta patalynė kaip Apple patalynė.”
Tai vat ir miega karališkai&kokybiškai. Te visad prisimins kaip gera tėvų namuose panirti į sapnus ☺️.
Šviesiai mėlyna, citrinų ir pieva spalvos labai labai labai gražios.