“ AMAZING!! love the hair and fullness of this hair it blends in so well!! love love love”
“ AMAZING!! love the hair and fullness of this hair it blends in so well!! love love love”
“ I love my new Bellamis. The color is gorgeous and they blend perfectly with my hair color. I love how they are thick from top to bottom!! ☺️”
“ I will not purchase from this cite again.”
“ I love my new Bellamis. The color is gorgeous and they blend perfectly with my hair color. I love how they are thick from top to bottom!! ☺︔
“ I got my first 20 inch bambina set in dark brown and they were so amazing I immediately fell in love with bellami and defending all the rumors against the co. to all my friends. Well I was proven wrong. I ordered a #2/platinum 20 inch ombré set afterwards that was so thinned out at the bottoms I thought it was from the blonde. So I sold them on ebay. Recently I went black so I purchased these. They are SO THIN and already shedding I'm disappointed. Basically if you don't opt for the more expensive sets, you're better off at your local beauty supply.”
“ This set seemed thinner than the last set I purchased. The clips seem cheaper, and one of the clips had a thread that sticks off the end that I'm afraid to cut in fear of ruining the clip.”
“ Best clip-ins I've ever tried. Easy. Great quality.”