“Hello my name is Sarah makhzoum, I bought the bellissima 220g 22'' dirty blonde extensions. I was so excited to receive them and try them out because I had heard so many good things about them. When I got them I put them in my hair and used them for 2 weeks, they've become so dry and hard to brush and tangled , and I would brush them every night and when I would brush them hand fulls and hand fulls of hair would rip out. I've had the worst experience with these extensions they've ruined my life. Over time they started to rip my own hair out of my head and I have very thin hair now. I'm sooooo unhappy with this product and I'm so upset that I paid so much for them and I can't even use them anymore :( please if you could get back to me or help me in any way to somehow refund me or send me new ones you would make my day. I've had the worst past few months because I feel like my hair is now ruined :(”
“The hair i too shiny and thin.. It doesnt look real at all.. It looks literally like the barbie, you can clearly notice that im wearing extension... Super disapointed!”