“My guy tang were dipped. I don't know about anyone else if you noticed it but on one side of each clip on the hair is a straight line across which means it was dipped. They offered to have me ship them back for them to look at but I don't have a printer to print shipping slip. Other than the guy tang being dipped the hair is nice and I would buy again if it wasn't for the big mess. Very sad I have over $200 in useless hair and can't sell it because it wouldn't be fair to anyone else. So live and learn. I'm sure this won't get posted. On reviews because it's a one star with a real complaint. Guy Tang even has it in YouTube how his hair isn't like the others with a dip line so when you wear them you can see the stepping stage lines across the back. Feeling down and very disappointed. I even sent pictures to them I have over 20 pics showing the bad dipping line across each piece. Brenda”