“I need to provide an update to my last review. I cancelled my most recent follow up appointment with my urologist. And I have not taken any Tamsulosin for about 1 week. I just didn't take it, and then forgot to, and by the time I thought it about 6 days went by, and I have a whole bottle of it but I don't need it any more it seems.
So, just so you totally get the importance of this book, I had a catheter installed in my bladder on January 17, 2023 for 3 weeks. And after reading this book I am not even in need of my prescription anymore. This program worked for me and works for me 100%. If I cannot share this story with you guys and help you as well, then who is there to tell.
Read the book. Do what it says, and look what happened to me.”
“It revealing in the sense , that to know things rather than have to ask make appointments that are time consuming having to ask some one has it’s been tried and tested”
“A very people-friendly, concise, science-based reference on prostate health, that takes the guesswork out of achieving and maintaining a healthy prostate for life.”