“Still reading but have learned alot about the prostate so that when I see my urologist I will know whether or not to believe his side of the story. Thank you”
“All About The Prostate is an invaluable reference source that I am grateful to have, especially now that I have prostate issues. Thank God that I learned in time that there are alternative methods for prevention, detection, and treatment of prostate cancer. After reading this information, I canceled a biopsy procedure at the VA hospital scheduled for this month and elected to take advantage of the recommended (APCRA) exam. I am looking forward to my exam. Perhaps I will learn for certain my real PSA #.”
“Very informative and I learned a few things as well. I've been searching for answers myself for the past few years. I am learning what causes PSA to rise when there is no evidence of cancer. I believe it is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Aromatase I believe it's called. Thank you for all the great information.”
“The content is very important and more detailed than other books. And about the supplements that I'm going to acquire shortly, I expect a great positive result.”