“Ben's Total Health does work, but we have had to literally make choices in our lives and give up something each month to afford the product. We have discussed this with the company and they have stated clearly that they are marketing to a certain group of people who can afford such a product and there is no break for someone not being able to afford it. In addition, if we don't buy on Amazon there is a fee for buying out of the country and they ship out of Utah. So, while it works, if we could find another product, we most certainly would use it.”
“I have to be careful in the number of Caps I take at one time as they don't seem to dissolve, for me, too quickly... small inconvenience compared to the benefits... Francis H. Hoffman”
“my experience was not good ,i stopped urinating and so they put a camera up to my balder and found nothing ,2 days later i was in the hospital for a severe infection in my urine ,blood and bowel ,than the did a rooter router on me ( opened my opening in my prostrate) all they found was a very ,very large prostrate , they also did a biopsy and found no cancer,all is good now i am hopping your total health will shrink my postrate”
“After taking these supplements for six months, my PSA has continued rising slowly from 5.6 to 6.0. My prostate is normal sized at 30 cm3, and I don’t have many of the typical BPH issues (no trips to the bathroom during the night). Color Doppler Ultrasound and a contrast MRI both found a single small lesion in the peripheral zone. However, it rated 3 on the PI-RADs scale, which means that they can’t confirm a cancer diagnosis (sort of good news). Still this lesion must be driving my PSA level. I plan to try to shrink and kill the lesion by diet, exercise, yoga and taking Ben’s Total Health. Eventually I will have to get a MRI guided biopsy to get cells directly from the lesion for a definitive diagnosis.”