“Having the Keto Pro Kit has made my adventure into finding Ketosis and helping with the Keto diet much easier. Not even sure I would be able to do it without the kit. I would add getting the Bluetooth connector as the point is to collect data and by syncing with the headsuphealth app it all becomes easy.”
“I purchased the Keto Mojo from bestketotest.com as I live in Canada. Prices were comparable with the US counterpart at ketomojom.com. I felt the price was reasonable. The device was delivered in a timely manner. I have enjoyed using the product. I believe it's a good quality product and from all the information I can gather it is accurate. My only problem, honestly, is the price of the replacement keto and glucose strips. I would like to see this price come down and would be willing to buy in bulk to pay less per strip. It's probably a case of where the device was sold at cost and the company makes their money off the continued strip sales. I for one would use them more if they were cheaper. At least I am happy with product. If you are okay with the price of the strips then get this device.”