“This is a really good feeder. It is attracting all kinds of birds to feed. It's not bulky and is easy to hang, which is also really nice. I'll recommend this product to all of my friends.”
“I recently purchased the Oriole Feeder Single Cup for Jelly bird feeder. Its a great option if you want a bird feeder but don't want the mess of bird seeds falling all over the ground. Just a scoop full of grape jelly and the orioles can't resist. It really works well and I would highly recommend this product to anyone with to have orioles visit your home.”
“This is the sweetest little bird feeder. I promptly placed it on a shepherd's hook in my garden. I have seen birds flock to it. I do have to replenish it frequently. What a sight to see birds coming by”
“I received a Birds Choice-Oriole Feeder Single Cup for Jelly From try it sampling as a free sample. This bird feeder is so cute and hangs. Really well on my crape Myrtle tree period I really really like it. I put regular bird feed in it.”
“The oriole single cup feeder has a a simple no nonsense construction. The black metal rod holder is sturdy and bright orange plastic cup is pretty and easy to clean.”
“Was hoping this feeder would draw an Oriole or two to our yard. So far the hummingbirds and ants have found it. We have placed grape jelly in holder and placed in a flower garden away from our house. The feeder itself is simple and colorful. Will keep trying.”
“I received Birds Choice-Oriole Feeder Single Cup for Jelly to test and review. This bird feeder is so cute and birds love it . All you do is add jelly and birds flock to it. I'm very pleased with this product!”
“The Birds Choice Oriole feeder is very easy to use and keep clean. The hook fits easily over a small tree limb or a metal rod. The 2 part feeder is easily cleaned and sanitized. The birds became accustomed to the new feeder and now visit it often.”