“We mounted this below our regular hopper feeder because the grackles kept pushing so much bird food out of it & it was being wasted. Now when they do this, it gets caught on this & the birds use both this & the hopper feeder to eat. As always removable screens are great & quality is excellent!”
“I put out the seed tray for summer since my summer feeder visitors include the squirrels and raccoons as well as the birds. We live in the northern plains so once winter is here, the raccoons no longer visit. When I use the feeder with the hopper, they manage to mangle the perforated trays to get to the seed. With the tray, they no longer destroy things and we are all happy. Once winter comes, I‚Äôll put up the hopper feeder (made from the same recycled material) again and slide the tray down below to catch the seeds that the blue jays toss out in rummaging for their preferred seeds. It‚Äôs a good plan and these feeders are very durable. They should last for years. I especially like the metal perforated liner. It makes cleaning the feeder easy.”