“Since I've only had this feeder for about 2 weeks, I don't think I can justify 5 stars just yet, but it appears that it may yet earn it. The feeder is well constructed and has weathered several torrential thunderstorms. I've loaded it with black oil sunflower seeds, which have attracted Cardinals, Nuthatches, Titmice (mouses?), Bushtits, Red Housefinches, Goldfinches, Chickadees, and even a few Woodpeckers. The kids love watching the birds from the window!”
“The blue fly-thru feeder is an absolutely beautiful addition to my backyard. It's evident that it is well made and is a durable product that is sure to maintain it's beauty over time. I'm awaiting the first feathered friend to land on the feeder, and will be sure to catch photos as birds enjoy the seeds in this lovely addition to my backyard.”
“This is an excellent fly through feeder . Blue jays , mourning doves, house finches and gold finches all love this feeder . The quality is so much better than wood i foresee this lasting for many years as wood was quickly to rot.”
“Love this new feeder! Loved by us because its a high quality, beautiful feeder made to perfection to last us many years! Loved by our song birds because its their favorite feeder. We have many platform feeders from this company and they all still look brand new but used by dozens of birds dauly. Super easy to cleand and gorgeous decor to our yard. My neighbors love them so we will be purchasing some as Christmas gifts. These feeders have brought dozens of different song birds, more then pur neighbors have seen it years. Thank you for making such a wonderful feeders! Only feeders we own and will be a customer for life!”
“Beautiful shade of blue feeder that does a particularly good job at attracting blue jays. Holds a good amount of feed and is lightweight so bird poles won‚Äôt bend easily. There‚Äôs good clearance too for birds to fly through and eat with ease. The large size means it‚Äôs easy to see birds too. Seems to hold up well in bad weather too and not so lightweight that wind would blow it off. I really like this bird feeder!”
“I had given up on open feeders because of squirrels until I received this one in exchange for an honest review. I've been so pleasantly surprised! I stocked it with "spicy signature wild bird food" from Birds Choice as a precaution but so far (about 2 weeks in) haven‚Äôt seen any squirrels try it. They‚Äôll be back I‚Äôm sure. Meanwhile my usual ‚Äúcustomers,‚Äù including cardinals, house finches, Carolina wrens, chickadees, chipping sparrows, and others have been enjoying it. (Sorry no photos, location is too shady). My last open feeder was made of wood and it got so nasty from moldy seeds after every rainy spell that I threw it away. No such problems with this model. During a huge thunderstorm and daylong rain last week, birds kept coming to eat. The roof overhang kept the food dry. I especially appreciate the screen (grating?) underneath that allows empty hulls to drift out instead of collecting in the bottom. Overall, the construction of this feeder is so solid that it looks like it will last forever. It‚Äôs nice-looking too!”
“Received the feeder and already had to refill as the birds, from Cardinals to Blue Jays, to Black-Capped Chickadees, Gold & Purple Finches have all participated in filling themselves. As the feeder is within three feet of a window, I have had difficulty taking a photo without scaring them off. The feeder looks to be a real winner and protects the food from the elements.”