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Magnet Mesh Bird Feeder for Safflower and Hulled Sunflower Small Reviews

4.7 Rating 3 Reviews
Very pleased with the overall size and mesh size of the feeder - works well for sunflower hearts. Birds started using it immediately -chickadees were the first users. Not sure if the hanging cable and especially the metal clip that secures the top will hold up over time. A rigid metal hanger instead of the flexible cable might be better. Also the clip that secures the top is very light weight/flimsy. A design where the bottom is fixed in place instead of the current one that rotates would be more desirable. Also the top and bottom are relatively light weight - heavier would seem better. I think I was generally expecting a heavier more rigid/secure design.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
This feeder has attracted many little birds. Works the best for safflower seeds and sunflower hearts and chips. Tried black oil sunflower seeds. Thought it worked, seemed harder for birds to pick the seeds.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I have a small one that is years old. I fill it every 3rd day and get up to 8 birds on it at once!!! I purchased the larger one for my son recently but felt it was too big. 3 lbs is a LOT of Safflower seed! So we exchanged it for the smaller one and we both love it and get tons of birds. It helps to use an aluminum pan to sit it in while filling, then dump the seed that fell out and into the pan back into my pouring container.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago