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Boho Beautiful Detoxify Reviews

4.9 Rating 394 Reviews
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About Boho Beautiful:

Boho Beautiful is a yoga & healthy lifestyle brand that provides all kinds of video content & digital programs aimed to help people raise their frequency & vibration. <3

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Sidney By The Sea

Paula Borges Rodrigues
Verified Reviewer
Really easy to do it , the recepies are delicious, the yoga it is a boost of energy and a good way to start shape you body . I am grateful . Long life and blesses to you both
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Nilsa Sanchez
Verified Reviewer
I’m really enjoying this program for me it is wonderful to combine the diet and the yoga, it is a new style of live for me because I used to eat every type of food, now I and my family are adopting this new style of life. I’m very gratefully to you guys to show me this way. I will continue with you two in this beautiful and peacefully path. I’m from Spain and I would really appreciate is you can recommend ecological and excellent food from Amazon Spain, it is not simple to identify when is real and good food. Thank you for take care of us. Take care, love you
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Alexandra Tlapa
Verified Reviewer
I love this program! I have been a vegetarian for most of my life and a vegan for the past 4 years. It can be hard at first to come up with some exciting ideas for meals and making sure you get the proper nutrients. This program kicked my body into gear and opened up more ways to eat with a variety of food. I felt great after each yoga session too. I would recommend this to anyone who is already a vegan and wanting to add some new flavors or new vegans and yogis!!
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Blessings Juliana and Mark! I’ve really enjoyed being able to tune in daily to your detox program. The content you create is so enriching! During this challenging time of having my gym closed down this has been a true gift to incorporate your program from my home. I loved the location set in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. I didn’t even realize that’s where you did the program until after I bought it. I recently just moved back to the states from that special beach town and it made my heart melt to see some of my favorite beach spots you filmed in this series. Very cool! Thank you again for enriching my life and the countless others
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Heather Ritter
Verified Reviewer
Love the workouts and the meal plans. I was a bit confused on what to eat for lunch so I just made protein shakes. I highly recommend this program to everyone
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Marleen Rens
Verified Reviewer
As always this detoxify program is perfect. Everything is so professional, pretty, real, helpful, amazing. Just continue doing what you guys do. You are the best!!
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Pauline Grant
Verified Reviewer
It keeps me motivated and brings new insight to my practice❤️
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