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The MenoShake™ - Chocolate Collagen Reviews

4.2 Rating 27 Reviews
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BOMIMO make genuine, efficacious nutritional supplements and shakes for women to help them be their best self at every hormonal stage

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I placed two orders that I b just never received.
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Stickers are peeling off after 1 use
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Really tasty, just the right amount of sweetness. I have definitely noticed an improvement in my mood and overall well being since starting this 5 weeks ago. Highly recommend.
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Great to have first thing in the morning. Tastes nice and helps with the vit to know you are getting the best for your body
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The shake itself is tasty and thick, so is a nice filler at 11am to keep me going. I've been taking it for one month now, and I'm starting to feel some benefits. My hair definitely has stopped falling out - I used to run my fingers through my hair and each time would loose about 10 - 15 hairs, doesn't sound much but it was worrying me. Now I brush my hair in the morning as normal, and then my hair stays on my head! Skin has definitely improved, it was starting to go thin on my arms and wrinkle at the top of my arms. This has very much improved, will be happy to wear t-shirt again. Hot flushes are still a pain, but their intensity has decreased, and I've started to have the odd day where they're noticeably better - so hoping with longer use I can get control of them. Still have brain fog - but thinks that's just me! The benefits of all these vitamins being in one simple shake rather than carrying around tablets I have to take after every meal, that are hard to swallow and give my tummy a funny feeling is a huge plus, it's gentle on my tummy and the job is done.
1 Helpful Report
Hi Louise Thank you so much for providing such a comprehensive review of all of the benefits you have seen from taking The MenoShake - Chocolate Collagen! We are so happy that you've noticed such great results so far and hope you will continue to feel the benefits over the coming months! Thank you so much for your feedback! It means the world to us Sam Founder of BOMIMO
Hi Louise Thank you so much for providing such a comprehensive review of all of the benefits you have seen from taking The MenoShake - Chocolate Collagen! We are so happy that you've noticed such great results so far and hope you will continue to feel the benefits over the coming months! Thank you so much for your feedback! It means the world to us Sam Founder of BOMIMO
Too soon to say about the nuttritional impact for me but the taste is just right. Not too bland and not overly sweet. In the goldilocks spot where it's nice to have every day.
1 Helpful Report
It’s difficult to assess what’s going on inside our bodies so having hit my 60’s I decided I really should do more to look after myself, better late than never In the past I’ve spent a fortune on vitamins not always taking them especially if they have a funny smell..hmm. Now I enjoy a chocolate MenoShake every evening and as an added bonus no longer fancy ice-cream / chocolate biscuits that used to be my downfall while watching TV. Win win better for you on every level
2 Helpful Report
Great shake and seems to be working with my daily eliminations!! (Always struggled with this before) Also helps after I’ve been to the gym to start my intermittent fasting routine. The problem I find is measurement, the shake I used before had a proper measuring scoop included in every pack, surely this could be done? I’m finding a bag doesn’t last till the next delivery?!!
4 Helpful Report
Hi Samantha Thank you so much or your great review. In answer to the points you have raised, we have chosen not include a plastic measuring scoop in our pouches as we are trying to be as sustainable a brand as possible, with recyclable pouches, and therefore felt that it wasn't appropriate to contradict this by including plastic scoops. We recommend 2 level dessert spoons or 1 heaped tablespoon, but it is probably better to measure this with a set of weighing scales in the first instance, and then each time afterwards you will be better able to judge how much powder you need. On a separate note, we are currently sourcing reusable scoops that we will be selling on our website, that are made out of another material which is not plastic. As soon as we have these in stock we will send you one. In terms of the pouch size, there are 20 servings in each pouch because our research has shown that in average women take our product 5 days a week or 20 times per month. We will be bringing out 30 serving pouches in due course, but we wanted to make our pouches as affordable as possible to most customers in the first instance, and a 30 serving pouch would be more expensive. It is also possible for us to change your subscription frequency to every 20 days if you would prefer that? Please do let us know. Kind regards Sam - CEO & Founder of BOMIMO