“Hi Kelly I am very disappointed in the three croc leggings I ordered. I've always been a champion for your brand as I have about 10 pairs now of the croc leggings. You are a Mass based woman run business amd those are a few reasons why i love our brand including, the quality of my oher crocs. There are so many women at my.gym who tell ke.how much they love the colors and fit and asked for the brand name. I've referred quite a few to your brand and I see them being.worn more in my gym.
Honestly the quality of the three new crocs I purchased do not stay up, fabric is much thinner than my other ones and they are not as tight. I am a weight trainer and am 5'10' but have been same weight for 10 years. I have to keep pulling on the new leggings as the support is not there in the thighs but the length is perfect.
I assume the thin fabric has something to do with the lack of support. My other ones are definitely thicker.
The croc sports bra was perfect as I am a bra size D and it has great support.
I hope this message is forwarded directly
I am hesitant to purchase anymore if all of the croc leggings are the same quality as the new ones.
I hope this message is forwarded to you to read. I would be happy to speak with yourself or one.of your staff to give additional details.
Thank you
Karen Gonzalez
“The customer service in the store was fantastic, this is my first BBB purchase and I put them on right when I got home I was so excited! I worked out in them as well and was so impressed so folding over when I’d bend down and they stayed in place!”