“Amazing band to add to your workouts, especially if you're wanting to challenge yourself. I was used to and done with the rubber resistance bands from my local dollar store. I absolutely love the resistance and challenge this one provided. Use it to warm up with all kinds of squats, leg abductions, and hip thrusts. Great quality and worth the money.”
“This band is very strong, which I was expecting! But it was so strong it pulled my knees in to squat and I could not get below paralell without pain in my quads, it felt like the band was pulling my quadriceps in a weird position and it was too tight for me. I'm a seasoned lifter as well, I wanted to add some accessory work into my crossfit and body building regimen but I didn't expect that. I would say dont buy this band unless you really want an extreme amount of resistance. I dont think I can use it.”
“Just got this band today and wow the material is the strongest I’ve had with a booty band! It didn’t slip or slide at all! It really made my leg workout so much more challenging! Can’t wait to try the other bands!”
“I read the reviews before buying so I knew it would be a strong band but holy cow! Its humbling (in a good way) because I thought I was moderately strong, but this makes me realize I'm not as strong as I thought I was. It does not roll or snap. Excellent product. Makes my old band seem pathetic. Clearly that's why I was in a plateau but this BN band is a whole new level of challenge that is sure to blast through the plateau. Very good price too. My pathetic old band was only slightly cheaper but quality was much much less”