“The fiber has been absolutely life changing for me and my gut health. Despite eating healthy 80% of the time I still battle issued with irregularity and severe bloating. Implementing this in my daily routine the last two years has drastically decreased the bloating and improved movement of everything else.”
“loved the mango so i decided to try the apple sauce to switch up and it’s even better!! such a yummy flavor and works so well. i definitely swear by this stuff!”
“This fiber is great! It works well and tastes delicious. I've only had the Mango and love it. I started with 1 scoop several days in a row and it was a little too much for me, had a little cramping, switched to a half scoop and not an issue! You won't be running to the bathroom, I've taken this when we've been on the road, when I'm going to work, whenever. No issues. Highly recommended.”
“I love my protein... but boy does it like to stay with me.... forever.... commercial products for "relief" are nasty tasting and gritty. I really don't like taking the "Miralax" generic as that's just having my body dependent on a laxative type product. Enter the Apple Sauce fiber - WOW!!! It tastes amazing - almost like an apple cider (which I absolutely LOVE) applesauce. Drinking it is truly a pleasure to my taste buds and the gentle results are making me feel so much better!!! Time to toss the commercial orange stuff in the trash!”
“I’ve been changing my diet for the past 4ish months, with a focus on upping my protein a LOT. I’ve felt great and have lost weight/I’m slowly putting on muscle, but it’s definitely slowed my digestion. Add to that the fact that I’ve started a medication that can cause constipation and let’s just say my regular, 1-2 times every day self had turned into a maybe once every 3 days. It was awful. I have IBS so I’ve known the awfulness of going CONSTANTLY, but let me tell you, I’d rather go constantly than not go for 3 days....anyway, after trying Metamucil and also using Miralax (which I didn’t want to start taking as it’s a laxative), I finally bought this amazing product from Bowmar. And it did not disappoint. There isssss a bit of a learning curve, as I’ve realized I don’t need a full scoop (full scoop bloated me BAD)/I do better when I take it in the evening instead of morning as I’ve noticed that if I take it in the evening then i can go regularly the next morning, but besides that it’s amazing. Just what I needed.”