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Oyster Capsules Reviews

4.9 Rating 132 Reviews
First time I ordered, I started with 3 then increased to 4/day. I didn’t notice much of a change. Then I ordered a second time (3rd bottle) AND WOW, noticed a big difference in my libido, very quickly. If you aren’t noticing anything initially, stick with it & keep taking it. You will get there. I’m a believer!
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Absolutely amazing product! There isn’t even words! lol let’s just say my husband and i are very happy with them!
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Love! They do exactly what they say they will do!
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I bought two bottles during the last restock without having tried them before. All of the reviews were blowing me out of the water so why not try and have an extra bottle? My focus wasn't libido. I was looking at energy (I work insane hours in technology) and overall health. I need more energy to get work done before my boys are up and to sustain that energy at night so I'm a present mom and creating a fun, healthy family environment. As far as libido, I felt I've always been on the higher side. To note, I am 47 so I'm constantly guessing whether or not other symptoms are perimenopause, something I ate...lack of good exercise/sleep etc. Bottle #2 I was feeling like, "Ok this is fine, but I can't tell." In a world of Amazon when we are used to immediate EVERYTHING I noted to myself that it does take time. I will say it's been about two weeks without the oyster capsules and I can tell a difference. Overall energy, how I wake up in the morning...and yes my libido had gotten a pick me up without noticing. With all of the extensive research, I highly recommend you at least TRY and give it TIME if it doesn't slap you across like others in week 1. ;)
1 Helpful Report
Love these!!
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I started taking Oyster Capsules a month after having my son and I feel human again, I have energy again and my HRV has improved significantly. I feel good, I can get through each day without having to down energy drinks.
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Love, love these!! I actually love these so much I have them on automatic reorder ♥️
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These are incredible for both hormone and thyroid health!! I would highly recommend that anyone struggling with autoimmune/thyroid (hashimotos) give these a try.
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