“Love this product! I just got done taking the bottle I had about a week ago; which is my second time using this product; and it has helped clean out my system to where I don’t feel bloated and sluggish. I usually bloat during my period and I didn’t last month (May) when I was taking it and just started my June cycle and I’m not bloated, which I usually am at the start of my cycle. I feel so good and like I have more energy and what not because I’m not feeling like after eating a small treat that I’ve gained 5 pounds because I’m not getting bloated. Ready to get my hands on another bottle here real soon!”
“I struggle with autoimmune issues that has resulted in food intolerances causing constipation at times. Colin cleanse is the only product that has worked for me. No cramps, no running to the toilette, no uncomfortable feeling. Take is as suggested to help move things along comfortably.”