“My baby is 8 months and I give her a few drops when she is fussy with teething. She always opens her mouth to get them and seems to enjoy the drops. They do have a strong clove scent, but I don’t mind it. Love them so far!”
“This teething oil is literally the best! It works INSTANTLY! Seriously, within seconds. When my daughter is teething and in pain, I give her this and right away she calms down and is content. I recommend this to all my mom friends!”
“This is the only product that consistently works for my sons teething pain.
We have tried EVERYTHING, even Tylenol and ibueprofen don’t work as well as this teething tincture.
It is a godsend.”
“My son started getting his first tooth and didn't want any of the typical cold teething rings or toys. He actually enjoys using the Teething Relief drops. He sees me getting the dropper out and instantly starts opening his mouth for the dropper. Its actually really cute. I've also tried this myself to see how it tastes and how it works. If you've ever used clove before you know the taste and smell, which is definitely present in these drops but the other ingredients don't make it seems as strong. And my son obviously loves it if he's sticking his tongue out for it.”