“Yes, Us boys do get sad and so many hide their feelings away and do nothing or worse still. It’s great to put the message out there that Boys Get Sad Too, there shouldn’t be any stigma around it. This hoodie is a perfect platform to promote one aspect of mental health. The hoodie is warm and snuggly very well made”
“Hi guys and girls,
as a new supporter off the cause Boys get sad too i am very honderd to be a part of something bigger.
But since you guys asked for feedback I got a small thing that I had noticed. I have the block logo hoodie black and after washing it one time I noticed that the ink of white letters already started to become a bit vage. I hope that in future there could be a more sustainable ink on the hoodies.
Here some technical information. I washed a hoodie on no warmer than 30 Celsius degrees on a special program that is extra gentle. So that’s why I am fairly sure that it is the ink and not my washing skills ;)
I wish you all a very good day.