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Brassybra Caramel DD-DDDD/European G Reviews

4.6 Rating 505 Reviews
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7901 4th St N,
St Petersburg

If I had the money I would order 100 more!
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This really works! So I was skeptical about this at first but I watched a lot of YouTube reviews and was convinced to purchase. I struggled to adjust the brassy bra at first but once I got the hang of it , my breast were good to go! I wore them ALL DAY . it was about 85 degrees and sunny all day and I had no issue! I do suggest getting "that little extra " so that you can have extra coverage and support. I had to use pieces of other pairs to suffice. I bought some more, and got the little extra, and can't wait to see the results!I wore a shirt that had spaghetti straps, and it was low cut. These worked great! you may have to cut the top part, but it worked for me! don't forget to put the nipple cover on FIRST
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Brassybra Caramel
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I'm delighted at the results ! Less delighted at how uncoordinated I felt tryin to put them on. But, after the first try, I feel that it won't take long to get better at it. Thank you , thank you !
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I felt so comfortable in this bra, felt very free!!!
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Mines came and I love them
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I really like product!! They are a but pricey in my opinion but they definitely give the support needed. Also, my items were shipped fast.
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honestly the best tape ever! will be buying more soon cause the girls was sitting pretty OKAY ! take your time to put it on slowly for sure so it can be smoothe.
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