“I'm a 38F and I've had trouble with half bras all my life. Decided to try these for my recent trip to Mexico and they did not disappoint! They gave me a constant life throughout the entire hot and humid day. I even was able to swim in them and the lift still lasted a few hours after. I would highly recommend Brassy Bra!”
“I really was impressed with Brassy Bra. Due to my cup size I had to apply two to each breast but didn't slip once all day. I even went swimming in the ocean and it stayed surprisingly. I'm forever a fan”
“I love my BRASSYBRA packs! They are so helpful when wearing shirts that get ruined when you see a bra strap or have to continuously pull up your strapless bra!!!”
“Never in my life would I thought I could go without a bra!! Being a heavy large chested woman, I know the struggle in having to turn away certain dresses for lack of support. But brassybra is a game changer!! Follow the directions precisely, and i promise you'll be wearing every and anything. Put that dress on, sis! Strapless, backless, shoot, topless too! Wear it all!!”