“I recently placed an order that unfortunately was stolen from USPS. I was highly disappointed and felt shafted. HOWEVER, after contacting the team at BrassyBra, they not only understood my circumstances, but also shipped a new bra and I received it within 5 days! I tried it on right away and I love it!! I got the lift and shape that I have been dying for as a small women with large breasts that are victims of breastfeeding, age and gravity. Thanks so much BrassyBra.”
“My first use of the Brassy Bra was an experience to remember. It took some practice to get the application right as in my first attempt made my boom look mushed. I ended up getting it right on the second try. Taking off the bra was extremely painful and I ended up taking some skin off. I realized that a lot of oil is needed to remove the BrassyBra. I'm not sure that I want to use it for my wedding day.”
Thank you for your feedback Alicia! Removing Brassybra shouldn't be painful, but as you mentioned, it seems like you may have tried without oil first, and that could be why. The adhesive is so strong it needs to be broken down by the oil in order to remove. It's very important to go slowly and gently with lots of oil. A hot shower helps as well! Essentially the opposite of application instructions, where you want Brassybra and your skin to be as dry and as oil free as possible. We'd love to help if you need anything else for your wedding day! Sending you a private message now.
“I am so amazed at how the bra fit along with how long that lasted. I was out for hours in the heat and I stayed secured the entire time. Great Product!!”