“I was so impressed and excited about Brassybra. I had a wedding coming up and I figured Brassybra would be perfect with my dress.
I decided to practice with one pair the day before. I have size C empty/saggy breasts from weight-loss and I ordered the C/D size and ”TLE” just to be safe. The application was a hassle; I wanted to be on the safe side and didn't lift my breasts a lot, as I thought (and later noticed) it to be impossible anyway. Sideboob spilled out and my breasts looked saggier than before. I Added two strips of TLE to each boob and it didn't really help. I did apply on clean&dry skin, but the tapes just wanted to peel right off! I didn't even stretch the tape a lot. After 25 minutes of applying the tapes and even trying to restick the edges with the help of blowdryer, I just let them be. I felt really comfortable wearing them, but still had a constant stress in the back of my mind about the peeling tape! In the shower they came off way too easy and weren't underboob-sweatproof. Under a tight dress the tapes held up okay. But even the third time applying they didn't look good on their own. Had to plan my outfits according to the tapes, which is the opposite you told me. I didn't even try to cut them.
I understand it is a huge and diverse market to cater to and I would love to be a supporter of Brassybra, but I am truly dissappointed in the way these were marketed. I wanted to feel awesome wearing your tapes but I just felt the opposite. This wasn't worth my money.”
Hi Riina!
Sorry that you weren't completely satisfied with your purchase. Correct application is key to this issue and there's a little learning curve. No one style of application fits all! We all have different breast shapes, density or loss of elasticity. There are many ways to apply your Brassybra to make it work FOR YOU. So Please, don't ever walk away from our box discouraged. We CAN and WILL help, if you simply reach out.
“I never received the nipple covers with my order, so I have yet to be able to try mine. Once I find a replacement to use for the missing nipple covers, I'll give a true review....”
“I absolutely loved this product. While there is a learning curve to putting on the product I would absolutely caution everyone to use the test strip that is sent with the package. First time I used it I ended up with blisters for a week because this was what I had bought to wear to several weddings I did not have the opportunity to go and buy sticky boobs before the next wedding that I had to be in. I ended up using Band-Aids to cover up the spots that had blistered but definitely wasn't fun. Otherwise, I love the product and would have absolutely continued to use it if I wasn't allergic.”
Hi Haley!
Thank you for sharing your experience. We're glad you're reiterating our advice to use the test strip, as in rare cases, some can have a reaction to the glue. We're sorry to hear that you had a reaction! We recommend using coconut oil on any irritation as it heals. We're working on a special project for our clients with sensitive skin, so stay on the look out, and thank you again for taking the time to write this.
“When they were out of vanilla in my size (DD-DDDD/G), I ordered licorice in a size smaller. By cutting an extra one in half and using it on each side, I thought it did a fabulous job. I only have a couple of complaints about the bra itself. First, I'd love to have the option of having my nipples show on occasion rather than having to cover them with nipple covers. I wish there were markings on the bra for where to cut out a hole if that is your desire. Second, the cleaning pads sent with the bras were almost completely dried out when I opened them, making them almost useless. They really should be packaged better so that they hold their moisture.
My last and most important complaint is that after ordering the proper size in vanilla and waiting what seemed like a lifetime to receive it, I received my order, clearly marked "vanilla" on the box, and opened it to find chocolate bras inside. I am returning them immediately for an exchange, but I feel rather hopeless since the website AGAIN says "sold out" in the color and size I want. Other than that, I adore this product!”
Thank you for the love Thank you for the tips. As for the wipes, sorry they were dried out. Use oil instead, its better and we found out that the wipes were harmful to the environment so we opted to not have them anymore. As for the wrong color in the box, we've had a few that was wrongly packed by our manufacturer, send it back and we'll replace it
Brassybra is manufactured in Korea, with the best possible facilities and materials, and that makes it very expensive for us to produce. Higher quality = Higher Price.
“I am forever a BrassyBra customer now, these things are amazing. They work exactly as advertised. Application is a little tricky, however I discovered a tip!! I remembered in advertisements they say that your body heat actually makes them stick more throughout the day; so when applying, if it looks wonky or your boob shapes don't match, peal away the part you need to fix and re-stick it. These are one time use so it doesn't want to re-stick at first and you will need to hold it in place, grab your blow dryer, turn it on "low" and gently hold for a few seconds over the area that you are fixing, once its warm, turn dryer off and vigorously but gently rub the material in little circles to increase the warmth. Viola! Its just as sticky as it was with the first stick!
Taking them off is not easy ladies. I read the bad experiences in the reviews so I didn't dare to try and just pull them off. I rubbed coconut oil all over them and massaged them for a long time while slowly pealing away at the edges. After a while I got impatient and probably went faster then I should have. I had little red marks on my boobs, they hurt only a little and they went away within 24hrs. So use lots of oil and be patient.”
Thank you for sharing, we love the blowdryer hack! It's always important to rub on the Brassybra vigoriously after application, as you mentioned, because the glue is heat activated. It actually gets STRONGER, the longer you wear it, especially on damp and hot summer days, which is unheard of! We all get tired at the end of the day and don't want to add yet another step to our skincare/bedtime routine etc (so many steps! I just want to sleep!), but thank you for reminding everyone how important that is. Use LOTS of oil, and really saturate over and under the bra. If you take your time and work gently, your skin will thank you. Thank you for your tips!
“I trialled it, but wasn't convinced it would work for my outfit. Required too much cutting away and then you loose the hold and support. My low back and front dress would have moved and I think the bra would have been exposed. For my own function and I wanted to know I felt relaxed and not conscious of spilling out. I went with a traditional bra that was v low at the front and low wish at back.
I tried brassybra once again as I really believe these videos - different outfit this time - a fully backless jumpsuit. I had worn it once before with traditional bra + low back converter. It worked but I was uncomfortable and a friend kept having to tuck the it down a back.
I used the main pads as they were, but without any TLE strips, I improvised and cut one pad in half and used either side. MY GOODNESS ME! so impressed.
I think I told the whole room about the product. friends knowing me and my bust (30FF), came straight up to me and said 'how have you not got a bra on?" There was much boob squishing and orders to 'jump up and down'. Honestly, they didn't move. Was so comfortable. Applied at 4pm and took off at midnight.and it hadn't moved. Slight bit of puckering was all.
Meant to apply coconut oil to ease the product off, but was so tired, I just gently peeled it off. No issues, so soreness.And I have the most sensitive skin. Desperate to buy this product again and keep in my armoury of products. Try it to believe in it!”
Thank you for sharing! There's often a bit of a learning curve when first starting out with Brassybra, and we're so happy you stuck with it (literally) :)
“I was definitely very impressed with BrassyBra. It held up all day like it says it would. Super comfortable, almost like not wearing anything at all! There were only a couple things that could have been better, but those are mostly on me and not on BrassyBra.
First of all, I wear a 44C, so I figured I'd be good ordered C/D. I was definitely wrong; it barely covered and I needed to cut one in half to give the extra side coverage needed.
Second, there's definitely a learning curve when applying! The first one I applied went on a little weird, causing my chest to smush out from under the BrassyBra in an odd way. I was able to use the one I got in half to pull in on the outside of each, but it was still weird on the cleavage side. Thankfully it was only really noticeable to me at that point. The second was better since I was starting to figure it out, but it still did the smush thing a little. Though this could also be on account of the size being wrong.
Also, once it is applied to NOT try to readjust!!! I had to cut a little away from the side pieces so they didn't show out of my dress, but by pulling it up to cut it I lost some stickiness. It started peeling later in the night, but thankfully it was not the main one I was using that peeled, only the side piece.
Next time I plan to order a size up, so hopefully it works better for her next time. But I was still thoroughly impressed with the product!”
Thank you for sharing your experience and taking your time writing this. As you say, it is a little learning curve, but it helps doing it front of a mirror. We recommend using 'TLE' if you have little side boob, it also helps with cleavage, if you want that.
There isn't just one way to apply Brassybra, all of our breasts are different. Shape, weight, saggy, non saggy, we're all different. You almost have to find their your way that works for you best. We are coming with a few videos on different ways to apply very soon. Perhaps, as you say, size up and maybe get the TLE's, I'm sure you'll be more successful next time and if there's anything we can help you with when applying, reach out to customer service or Instagram