“I've never done well with the round brush method of styling my hair. I have straight, fine hair and need all the help with volume I can get. So I ordered the Size 30 in the brush as a flyer and am really glad I did. For reasons I can't explain, I am easily able to use it on my hair without getting tangled up and turned around. It's been the only product that helps me with a style that isn't flat. I have since ordered the Size 40 for a loser style as well as the traveling case. Was a great find!”
“I purchased this brush on a whim. I expected it to become part of the pile of products that don't work the way they are marketed. I was shocked that this heated brush does indeed make frizzy hair smooth to the point that I postponed my scheduled keratin appointment. I ordered a second for my college bound daughter. The only think I would caution is that it does come with a glove to protect the hand that is manipulating the hair and is very close to the heat. You must use it or you will burn your hand. Would not recommend for a pre teen or anyone who will be careless and not use the glove.”
“I love my new Brush! I don't understand how it works, but it shapes my hair without the frizz I get with a regular hair dryer and brush. I am thinking about also buying the smaller size for when I want to add more curl. Just have to fit it into my budget!”